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woman with migraine surrounded by coworkers


Migraines don’t work at work.

Migraines can be a tough topic for sufferers to talk about, but they can be just as difficult for non-suffering coworkers to understand. In a recent survey conducted by Excedrin®, 63% of sufferers admitted to powering through a migraine attack at the workplace.1 Even worse, one in five have been met with ridicule, belittlement, or judgment when telling a coworker about their migraines.1

As the head pain expert, Excedrin® is on a mission to create understanding and empathy for migraine sufferers at home and in the workplace. We know that talking about your migraines isn’t easy, especially with coworkers who may have little to no experience with the disease. With the goal of empowering migraine sufferers everywhere to openly discuss and educate their coworkers about migraines, Excedrin® has created a guide in partnership with clinical psychologist and head pain expert Dr. Elizabeth Seng.

Although it may seem difficult, consider speaking with your supervisors and coworkers about your condition. Start by explaining what a migraine is, how it affects you, and the triggers and symptoms you experience.

You can take proactive steps in managing a migraine by keeping a bottle of Excedrin® Migraine in your bag or at your desk. Your employer may be open to a more flexible work schedule or working from home when you start to feel the symptoms of a migraine. If possible, have a discussion with your coworkers about reducing migraine triggers at the office.

You should have a reactive plan in place, too. Most importantly, don’t ignore the first signs of a migraine. By alerting those around you of an oncoming attack, and by taking the time to get rest and treatment, you may be able to avoid unnecessary excess pain and discomfort.

Quite simply, migraines don’t work at work. Make sure that you (and your coworkers) have the proper tools to get you through the day.


  1. Excedrin® Migraines at Work Survey. United Minds, 11 June 2017.

References:  migraine tips, migraine prevention, work headaches

migraine triggers

Manage your migraines a little easier with our 5-week Migraine Survival Guide.