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Introducing Head Care*

NEW! Head Care drug-free products are uniquely formulated with essential nutrients to support your head health and wellbeing.*

Head Care Proactive Health, Replenish plus Focus, and Replenish plus Sleep product boxes

Head Care products are not intended to treat migraines.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Supporting You Beyond The Attack*

From the makers of Excedrin, new Head Care products are made with unique combinations of ingredients that can help keep your head health in check, from proactively supporting your daily head health or helping you feel your best after occasional head discomfort.*



Essential nutrients

Essential nutrients

Unique combination of ingredients

Unique combination of ingredients


Neurologist Dr. Deena Kuruvilla discusses the impact of Head Care drug-free dietary supplements with migraine patients.

video play



    Managing Discomfort with Neurologist Dr. Kuruvilla

    SUPER: Head Care Managing Discomfort with Neurologist Dr. Kuruvilla

    Doctor: “I’m Dr. Deena Kuruvilla. I’m a neurologist and a headaches specialist, and my mission in life is to help people with headache conditions and migraine.”

    SUPER: People don’t just have a migraine. They live with migraine.

    SUPER: How does migraine affect you?

    Mickalia: “I started getting migraines, maybe like a little bit over two years ago. When I get migraines, I feel like I'm very anxious, I'm very stressed, and the pain is just so overwhelming.”

    Doctor: “It's hard because we know that so many people and having migraine affect their professional life and their personal life.”

    Mickalia: “You might tell someone you're experiencing a very harsh migraine right now and they may think you just don't want to work.”

    Doctor: “The symptoms can last minutes, to days, to weeks to months for some people.”

    Mickalia: “My triggers have transformed. It's hard to manage that and it's hard to know what to do next. It's very frustrating for me because I feel like I can't be the person I want to be.

    SUPER: How are you supporting your head health?

    Mickalia: “I put on an ice pack on my forehead, take a lot of vitamins and supplements, the Cs, the Ds, magnesium, melatonin. Definitely meditation. And I've been trying to try new forms of exercising, literally anything that I know will support my head health.”

    SUPER: Introducing Head Care Proactive Health from the makers of Excedrin

    Doctor: “So there is a dietary supplement available from the makers of Excedrin that doesn't treat migraine, but really supports head health called Proactive Health. It has magnesium, a variety of B vitamins and folic acid that promotes healthy blood flow within the brain. It helps maintain a healthy neurological system and it really helps the nerves and the brain function better. It's one tablet a day to really support head health.

    Mickalia: “For me, after my migraines, it's very difficult to focus and I'm still very nauseous and it just makes it hard to be present in any kind of situation. It's very hard to communicate with people, with my friends, with my family members, and do everything I'm supposed to do the right way.”

    Doctor: “As a neurologist, the goal ultimately for me when I'm seeing a person with migraine is to get them back where they used to be.

    SUPER: Introducing Head Care Replenish from the makers of Excedrin

    Doctor: “So there are two drug free drink mixes that were specifically designed to be taken after occasional head discomfort, Replenish +Focus has caffeine, l-theanine, ginger and electrolytes. The caffeine and l-theanine component are really what help with that focus and improving concentration.”

    Doctor: “It can really help to soothe the stomach with a ginger component and also promote hydration with the electrolytes.

    Mickalia: “Can you talk about the other one? Replenish +Sleep?”

    Doctor: “It has all of the same ingredients but has taken out the caffeine and instead has melatonin to really promote relaxation and sleep. These products are really another tool in your kit when you're trying to promote head health.”

    SUPER: Adding to your toolkit

    Mickalia: “So I just want to say thank you so much because I feel so validated having this conversation with you. And I'm also understanding so much about myself, I think, which is great for me, learning about short-term and long-term ways to support my head.

    Doctor: “You're definitely not alone. Proactive health is important for everyone, but especially for people with migraine.”

    Mickalia: “I've been trying so many different things, so I'm excited to see how they're all going to formulate and help me all in one.”

    SUPER: Drug-free Head Care is here*

    Visit to learn more.


Helps support focus and hydration after occasional head discomfort.

Formulated with key ingredients:

  • Caffeine
  • Electrolytes (sodium, potassium)
  • Ginger
  • Theanine
support focus

Helps support focus


Helps with daily stressors


Supports hydration


Soothes stomach

Replenish +Focus-

Helps promote relaxation and sleep after occasional head discomfort.*^

Formulated with key ingredients:

  • Theanine
  • Ginger
  • Electrolytes (sodium, potassium)
  • Melatonin
support relaxation

Helps support relaxation*


Helps with daily stressors*


Supports hydration*


Soothes stomach*

Replenish +Sleep*^-

A drug-free supplement that helps support head health and comfort daily.*

Formulated with key ingredients:

  • B Vitamins
  • Folic Acid
  • Magnesium
  • Riboflavin

Helps support proper blood flow in the brain*

healthy nerve transmission in the brain

Helps support healthy nerve transmission in the brain*

healthy neurological system

Helps support a healthy neurological system*

Proactive Health-

Head Care Comparison*

- Proactive Health* Replenish +Focus Replenish +Sleep*^
Contains B Vitamins . - -
Contains Caffeine - . -
Contains Electrolytes - . .
Contains Folic Acid . - -
Contains Magnesium . - -
Contains Melatonin - - .
Frequency 1 tablet per day 1 packet as needed; limit to 2 servings per day 1 packet as needed; limit to 1 serving per day
Head care club logo


Welcome to the Head Care Club, your go-to resource for taking a holistic approach to improving daily head health.

The series features guided wellness routines and coaching on improving daily head health through nutrition, mindfulness, and movement, with advice from wellness experts, a neurologist, and Emmy Award-winning choreographer Derek Hough.

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    Aerobic movement is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle – it has numerous benefits for brain health. It boosts your mood, keeps you fit, and strengthens muscles that can impact head discomfort. I do a variety of regular exercises to support my head health and well-being, such as:

    Walking, jogging, swimming, and of course my favorite – dancing. That’s right, that’s right, don’t be afraid.

    Movement doesn’t have to be intense to be beneficial, in fact some scientific studies show that weekly yoga can support head health. Here’s a feel-good routine that I use to get my heart pumping and oxygen flowing, and ultimately support my head health. Let’s go!

    Okay, we’re going to start with a little warm-up to get this area nice and loose, get the blood pumping and the oxygen flowing. So, we’re going to start with some head rolls. First up we’re going to go to the left, nice little half circle – boom – and we’ll go to the other side. You’re going to feel some nice snap, crackles and pop, I know I do. It feels really good. Now we’re going to go into some shoulder rolls and go back, both shoulders back, keep going, do a couple more. Nice, then we’re going to go four – four, two, three, four, six – nice – seven. Okay, we’re goining to swing the right arm back – boom – to loosen up those shoulders. This is really great, you get this area nice and loose and support the head – and go forward, boom – all right, just loosen it up. Five, six, seven, eight – left arm, here we go – boom, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and four, one two, three – good – and four, five, six, seven, eight. Now we’re just going to do a little bear hug here, just swing the arms back and forth – I literally do this every single day to just warm up my shoulders, warm up my neck area, which is absolutely crucial for head health. Alright, we feel good? Let’s dance.

    We’re going to reach across, we go one, two, three, four – reach overhead – five, six, seven, eight – little Heisman – one, two, three, four – we go – five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

    Next up we’re going to do crunches – like so – we go one, two, three, four – we go – five, six, seven, eight.

    Next up we’re going to swing our arms like so – we’re going one, two, and we’re going to do a double – three, four – we go five, six, seven, eight. Now we’re going step to the side like so, we’re going one, two, three, we step, four – we go five, six, seven, eight – we go one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

    Then we do a little salsa instead because you know, we earned it. Here we go, we go to the side, we go – one and two, three and four – we go – five and six, seven and eight. To the front – one and two, three and four, five and six, seven and eight.

    Okay so that’s the routine, it definitely has an aerobic exercise feel, but if you add your own flair, your own pizzazz, you can definitely make it into a dance, if you want. The most important thing about this is to feel good and to have fun.

    Alright, let’s put some music on and let’s dance it full out.

    (Music/dance break)

    I partnered with Head Care from Excedrin on this gentle dance flow as they’ve been experts in head health for 50 years. They just released new, drug-free products to support head health, including a dietary supplement called – Proactive Health.

    This contains a unique blend of vitamins and minerals like folic acid and magnesium to support blood flow to the brain. You can take it every single day before you get your body moving. Keep on dancing and I’ll see you soon.

video play



    Derek: Recovery and replenishing our bodies is one of the most important things we can do as dancers, and really for anyone.

    Hayley: Neurologists agree that weekly yoga can support head health, and as someone who gets migraine attacks, I want to share a yoga flow that loosens up the body and muscles supporting the head, which helps me recover after a headache or a migraine – hopefully it works for you too.

    Derek: We partnered with Head Care from Excedrin, experts in head health, on this flow. They just released a new drink mix that we love for head health called Replenish +Focus.

    Hayley: Replenish +Focus is drug-free and has ginger, electrolytes, and caffeine to soothe the stomach and support hydration and focus after occasional head discomfort.

    Derek: They also have a nighttime formula called Replenish +Sleep that subs the caffeine for melatonin and helps with relaxation and sleep. We hope these products and this little routine will be helpful for you all.

    Hayley: Alright, let’s head outside and get to it!

    Derek: Let’s go!

    Derek: We’re going to start by flooding our bodies full of oxygen with four deep breaths.

    Hayley: We’re going to bring our arms up on the inhale, and down on the exhale. Next, we’re going to be swinging our arms side to side and hitting our abdomen and our lower back, four times, then we move up to the chest, and now to the shoulder, and the base of your neck – and we’re going to repeat that one more time. Abdomen, and chest, and shoulder and base of your neck.

    Derek: Alright we’re going to take a seated position, we’re going to take our hands to either side of our head and massage the base of the head, and as we’re doing that, we’re going to contract our bodies, stretch the back of our neck really gently, as we’re massaging the base of our head.

    Hayley: Remember to continue breathing, so exhale on your way down and inhale on your way up. Next up we have our five-point neck stretch, so we’re going to bring our chin to our chest, chin to right shoulder, ear to the back, chin up and over, ear to the back, chin to the left shoulder and chin down. Again, other side – back, up and over, back, chin to shoulder, chin to chest.

    Derek: Alright now we’re just going to focus on the side stretch here. We’re going to take our head to the right, we’re going to lift our left arm up and really consciously bring it down. Let’s try that again, bring your left arm up as you’re stretching that neck and bring the arm down. Other side. Take your head to the left, lift your right arm up and slowly bring it down – and make sure you’re breathing through all of these stretches, really getting the oxygen flowing through your body.

    Hayley: Now we’re going to get into tabletop position, inhale and drop your belly to the floor, exhale and lift your navel to the sky. Again, inhale and exhale. Really stretch that back up, and last one.

    Derek: Alright, next up we’re going to thread the needle. We’re going to reach our right arm up as we gaze towards the hand and thread the needle through, bring your shoulder to the ground. You should feel a nice, beautiful stretch in your spine. We reach right back up, and down other side, reach your left arm up, gazing up, thread the needle, bring your shoulder to the ground, and really feel that stretch.

    Hayley: Next, curl your toes under and push back into a downward dog. Pedal out your legs, right and left, now take one really deep breath, inhale and exhale. Drop down to your knees, spread them wide, and go into child’s pose. Next, we’re going to massage our forehead on the mat, rock your head side to side, really releasing that tension in your face.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is head health and why is it important?

    Head health refers to the state of your neurological system. This includes how well blood is flowing to the brain and nerve transmission in the brain, which can be factors in occasional head discomfort.

    Head Care Proactive Health contains a unique combination of ingredients to help support head health so you can feel your best.*

  • What’s the difference between Head Care Proactive Health* and Excedrin head pain relief products?

    Proactive Health is a drug-free daily dietary supplement taken proactively to help support head health and comfort.*

    Excedrin head pain relief products are pharmaceuticals that should only be taken at the onset of head pain to help relieve head pain and symptoms. Take according to package directions.

    As with any supplement, if you are taking medication, have any pre-existing health conditions, or if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, contact your healthcare professional before taking. Keep out of reach of children.

  • What’s the difference between Head Care Replenish +Focus and Replenish +Sleep?*^

    Both are formulated to help you feel better after occasional head discomfort, but Replenish +Focus is a drink mix that contains ingredients that help support focus, while Replenish +Sleep is a supplement helps support relaxation and sleep.*^

  • Do Head Care* products contain ibuprofen or aspirin?

    Head Care Proactive Health* and Replenish* do not contain ibuprofen or aspirin.

Head Care products are not intended to treat migraines.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

^As compared to falling asleep without melatonin. Melatonin helps you fall asleep and is for occasional sleepiness.*

†Magnesium helps support proper blood flow to the brain.*