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Migraine Causes and Triggers

What causes a migraine headache?

While scientists do have theories about what causes migraines, the reason some people suffer from them while others don’t isn’t fully understood.1

Fortunately, we have more clarity when it comes to migraine triggers – although these vary from person to person. If you suffer from migraines and want to dentify your individual triggers, it may be helpful to keep a migraine diary. Take note of any common migraine triggers that occur before an attack, and then keep an eye out to see which triggers reoccur

What triggers a migraine?

So, what exactly might bring on a migraine? Here are 10 common migraine triggers to look out for:2

  • Emotional stress
  • Physical stress
  • Dehydration
  • Sleep changes
  • Diet
  • Emotional changes3
  • Hormonal changes
  • Environmental changes
  • Medicines
  • Changes in the weather

1. Emotional stress

Emotional stress is a common trigger for almost 70% migraine sufferers.2 The bad news is that stress is pretty much ubiquitous in our busy, ‘always on’ world – but the good news is that there are as many ways to fight stress as there are causes of it. Relaxation techniques like meditation, reading and listening to music can help with stress reduction.4, 5

2. Physical stress

Many kinds of physical stress can trigger a migraine, including (but not limited to) intense exercise such as weightlifting or running.6

3. Dehydration

About one in three people who suffer from migraines cite dehydration as a trigger, so make sure you get those eight glasses a day. It’s also important to remember that staying adequately hydrated isn’t just about keeping your fluids topped up, but also limiting the consumption of diuretics like coffee and sugary drinks that can actively dehydrate you.2

4. Sleep changes

You might assume that poor quality or inadequate sleep can prompt a migraine, but actually getting more sleep than normal can trigger a migraine too.

5. Diet

There are a few foods you might want to limit, or steer clear of if you’re prone to migraines. The most common ones include foods that contain tyramine (like cured meats and certain cheeses) and food additives like aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate).2

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6. Emotional changes

You might think that only negative emotions can trigger a migraine, but unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Excitement – as well as other extremes of emotion like anxiety or depression – can also trigger an attack.3

7. Hormonal changes

In women, hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause or the menstrual cycle –can trigger migraines. ‘Artificial’ hormonal changes (those brought on by the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy, for example), can also trigger migraines.3

8. Environmental changes

Bright lights, loud noises and strong smells all have the potential to trigger migraines. So do changes in climate – for example, changes in temperature or humidity.2

9. Medicines

As previously mentioned, the contraceptive pill and HRT (hormone replacement therapy) can trigger migraines in some women. In all genders, some types of sleeping pills can also bring on a migraine.3

10. Changes in the weather

Many people cite weather changes as triggers, but the research on the relationship between weather and migraines is inconclusive.

What other potential migraine causes do we know about?

Find out why your genetics may have something to do with why you get migraines.

How to treat a migraine

Excedrin Migraine is a powerful migraine medication that gets to work fast. For some, effective pain relief starts in as little as 30 minutes. It’s the #1 neurologist-recommended OTC (over the counter) migraine treatment approved by the FDA for migraine relief.* In clinical studies, patients with moderate to severe migraines experienced effective relief with just one dose.

Learn more about how Excedrin Migraine could be your key to migraine relief.

*Among OTC medicine for migraines. IQVIA, Inc., 2018.

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