Here are some foods to look out for – and some that are unlikely to cause head pain.
It’s happened to some folks who suffer from headaches: you’re feeling fine, then suddenly a headache comes on, post-meal. Coincidence? Maybe. Or could it be something you ate? Possibly. If so, what?
The good news is that a number of foods have been identified as potential headache triggers in some people, making it possible for you to assess which of your favorite meals and snacks may be a factor in your head pain. However, it’s important to note that the scientific evidence is inconclusive as to what foods are definitely triggers and what are not. Everyone is different, and it’s best to consult a doctor with any questions.
Cheese: Potential Headache Trigger
Aged cheese is a commonly reported headache trigger. That’s because the aging process results in a high level of tyramine, which can cause headaches in some people. Consider swapping your cheese board selections out for fresh cheeses like feta or goat cheese that are likely less of a trigger.
Processed Meats: Potential Headache Trigger
As is the case with cheese, it’s more about the way the meat is prepared than the meat itself when it comes to trigger risk. Meats that are processed, pickled or smoked — such as ham, bacon or salami — have a high level of sodium nitrate, which may trigger migraines in some. Fresh meat and poultry may be a better bet for many.